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Monday, June 23, 2008

Asyiknya Bercinta di Toilet Pesawat Terbang

. Monday, June 23, 2008

JANGAN pernah takut punya fantasi bercinta! Tapi akan lebih baik lagi bila Anda menguasai tekniknya lebih dulu. Fantasi pada posisi atau gaya, mungkin sudah biasa. Bagaimana kalau fantasi pada tempat "liar" untuk bercinta? Mari kita cari tahu bersama. Setelah itu, prakteknya terserah Anda. Berani?

Anda pasti pernah punya imajinasi tentang adegan bercinta heboh tapi tak punya nyali untuk mempraktekkannya bersama si dia, bukan? Itu karena dalam khayalan Anda bercinta dengan dia di tempat yang menurut banyak orang tak memungkinkan untuk memadu cinta. Seperti misalnya, bercinta di kantor atau di toilet pesawat terbang.

Penulis Riri & Yoez dalam bukunya "Tip & Trik Menggapai Kenikmatan Seks" mengupas tiga posisi fantasi bercinta paling impossible alias tidak mungkin yang kerap muncul di benak kita. Para ahli akan menjelaskan dengan gamblang kenikmatan dari setiap posisi bercinta tersebut. Dan patut diingat sebelum Anda dan dia mempraktekkannya, tak seorang pun berpendapat posisi bercinta ini sangat mudah. Asal tahu saja, posisi-posisinya dijamin pasti seru. Ini memang membutuhkan perencanaan, dedikasi, dan stamina prima dari Anda berdua. Tapi yang jelas, begitu Anda berdua saling bersentuhan, sebuah sensasi kemesraan baru akan tercipta.

Bercinta di toilet pesawat terbang

Mau merasakan tekanan udara yang sangat dahsyat? Bawalah fantasi bercinta Anda ke toilet dalam pesawat terbang. Ketegangan dari adegan ini telah dibangun sejak Anda dan dia menyelinap diam-diam ke dalam toilet. Maka, biarkan dia masuk lebih dulu ke toilet, lima menit kemudian barulah Anda menyusulnya.

"Tekniknya Anda duduk di atas toilet, sementara dia duduk ?menunggangi' Anda," begitu papar Paul Joannides, penulis Guide To Getting It On!.

Untuk menghemat waktu bercinta dalam toilet maka ketika Anda berdua masih duduk di kursi pesawat, cobalah saling membangkitkan hasrat lebih dulu. Caranya, Anda bisa saling menyentuh area intim berdua, secara sembunyi-sembunyi di balik selimut. Tapi, jangan terlalu semangat, agar tak terlihat penumpang lain atau pramugari yang mondar-mandir.

Bercinta di kantor

Pererat hubungan kerja bila Anda dan si dia bekerja di satu kantor yang sama, fantasi bercinta ini bisa diuji-coba. Bagaimana caranya? Misalnya, Anda bisa melakukannya di ruangan tempat menyimpan file dengan pintu terkunci. Posisi ini menampilkan gaya bercinta Anda intim dari belakang tubuhnya yang memunggungi Anda, sehingga bisa dilakukan di ruangan sempit.

Tekniknya, Lou Paget, pakar seks dan penulis "How To Be a Great Lover" punya teorinya. "Anda harus berdiri dengan tubuh sedikit condong ke depan, memberi ruang masuk pada tubuhnya yang memunggungi Anda. Anda memeluk pinggangnya dan menstimulasi dari belakang," jelasnya. Agar genetrasi lebih mudah, dia bisa mengangkat satu kaki dan meletakkannya pada betis Anda. Bila dilihat posisi tubuh Anda dan dia seperti membentuk huruf X.

Menurut Paget, dengan posisi berdiri, lelaki bisa ereksi lebih lama. "Dia bisa memberi Anda kesenangan lebih lama, dan ketika mencapai puncak bercinta, dijamin benar-benar eksplosif!"

Bercinta dengan mandi bersama

Basahi cinta berdua dengan mandi bareng. Busa sabun yang lembut, wangi sabun yang tercium serta hangatnya air yang melingkupi tubuh Anda berdua membuat banyak wanita berfantasi bercinta di bathtub bersama pasangan. Tapi ternyata menurut banyak orang yang telah mencobanya, posisi ini katanya kurang nyaman.

"Soalnya banyak pasangan yang mencoba bercinta di bathtub membuat kesalahan. Mereka terlalu saling berdekatan karena ingin mencium bibir pasangannya," Jo-Anne Baker mengkoreksi kesalahan.

Menurutnya, bercinta di bathtub berarti bercinta di tempat sempit. Dan karena Anda saling berhadapan maka sebenarnya akan menciptakan tekanan dan desakan yang lebih keras. "Dijamin, Anda tak akan terpeleset. Dan acara bercinta pun jadi lebih intens," tutupnya.

Copied form kaskus.us


Friday, June 20, 2008

How to shave woman leg video

. Friday, June 20, 2008

shaving pubic hair


Miley Cyrus Vanity Fair Scandal and Hulk Hogan Creepiness


Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus pics scandal. These Miley Cyrus photos here are what has caused the buzz in Hollywood and the talk of a Hannah Montana ruin because of these "scandalous" pics of Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus. I say not. These are tame compared to Emma Watson of the Harry Potter franchise and Vanessa Anne Hudgens of High School Musical. Note that those stars also cater to kids. Miley Cyrus is just a camera whore that's all. Plus, i guess she's learned a lesson or two from the Vanessa Hudgens scandal.
Miley Cyrus guy
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus

For the Miley Cyrus Vanity Fair scandalous photos click here


Vanessa Hudgens Nude Scandal Photos Slide Show


Vanessa Hudgens Nude Scandal Photos Slide Showed in a video format. I do not care with her scndals, just found it from youtube.


Beyonce's Vagina Slip and Britney Spears is a THIEF!



Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Have You Been a Victim of Medical Malpractice?

. Tuesday, June 17, 2008

 Victim of Medical Malpractice
Carelessness of medical professionals can leave damage to a patient resulting in a medical malpractice. Stories on the news and magazines full of horrific surgeries that had went wrong with the maltreatment of patients by doctors and other medical professionals. Even though these stories can be so terrifying to hear of we still never think it will happen to us. Although if you feel you are a victim of medical malpractice there are some steps you need to take.

By legal definition of medical malpractice makes it so that there is a lot of space for interpretation on a case by case basis. Technically it is when a medical professional fails to provide the proper treatment of a patient and the end result is when the patient is severely harmful towards the patient. There are instances that you need to remember where injury may occur to a patient that could not be avoided and in these cases is not considered malpractice. There are limitations to keep in mind if you have a feeling you are a victim of medical malpractice.

The first step you need to do is to research and do your homework. Investigating on your own at websites such as the National Institute of Health along with American Medical Association websites can help significantly. Websites such as these will provide you with all of the necessary information that you a person needs to know about medical standards. Doing research such will help you understand what normal practice for your medical condition and the appropriate treatment that should be provided.

If you do your research you can also talk with lawyers as well that are known for working with malpractice cases and also make sure you check their success rate. Researching a lawyer before you choose which one to go with is crucial and checking to see who can handle what type of cases.

One thing that you need to remember to do is to obtain all of the information and documents involving your own medical case. Getting all of the medical evaluations and records that go along with all of the medical bills involved in your incident should be copies and given to you lawyer.

Start recording and documenting all of the events into a journal or notebook that consist of all the incidents that happened and the dates as well that go with the case. Make sure to provide as much detailed information as possible and going back to as far back as the very first appointment with the physician. Make reference to any referrals to any other doctors, and have copies and results of the blood tests, medications, and therapies. Make copies for yourself and your lawyer.

When choosing a lawyer finding one who has a vast amount of previous experience involving medical malpractice cases is crucial. Lawyers offer free consultations so you will be able to look around for as many lawyers to see which one is best for you and you feel most comfortable with. Once you pick a lawyer they will go over your case extensively and they will let you know if it is something worth pursuing. They will not take on your case if it is something that won't result in them making money or being successful.

Medical malpractice lawsuits are very complex and involve a lot of confusing, tedious information. Working with a lawyer will help you make the right and educated decision on whether or not it is worth it for you to move forward. If you have all of the appropriate documentation about you being mistreated, make sure that all of your rights are protected and that you will receive the right compensation for your loss and damages.

For more insights and additional information about Medical Malpractice please visit our web site at http://www.malpracticeinfonow.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jon_Arnold


Medical Malpractice Without Another Frivolous Time-Wasting Lawsuit


medical malpractice
If you are thinking about filing a lawsuit for medical malpractice, there are some things that you need to ask before you run out and seek legal services. Since you are going to invest a significant amount of time and money, make sure that you can answer yes to at least one of the following questions:

Did your doctor fail to diagnose or treat your disease in a timely manner or was there a delay in your treatment that made it worse?

Did your doctor fail to notice and act upon an abnormal test result?

Did your doctor fail to order the correct tests or did your doctor fail to refer you to a specialist for additional testing or treatment in a timely manner?

Did the injury in question occur while you or a family member was under the care of a physician, a hospital or a health care provider?

Did your prescription medication cause you injury?

Did your doctor fail to fully disclose specifics of your medical condition or all the risks of your surgery? If so, was the injury a result of one or more of those undisclosed risk factors?

Were you injured because the doctor or the hospital staff was not fully trained in the use of medical equipment or were you injured due to faulty equipment during a medical procedure?

Were you improperly rushed out of a hospital or from your doctor's care? Was that instrumental in worsening of your condition?

Do the records show someone questioned the diagnosis, or the appropriateness of specific procedures, tests or treatment provided?

Did your doctor or hospital fail to advise you or provide you the best treatment options for your condition?

If you can answer yes to any of the above, then it is time to back it up with medical facts. You need to do this by getting a second opinion from the appropriate physician in the field of medicine that is specific to your issue. Your attorney can direct you to the local expert physician in that area of medicine for your second opinion. This act, by itself, is paramount to the strength of your case.

You should also have a href="http://www.legal-services-for-less.com/medical-malpractice.html">checklist of some of the common items an attorney will ask you to present or do to strengthen your case. If you do these self-organizing tasks, you will better your chances of having a successful medical malpractice case to get the compensation you deserve.

Curtis Collins is a legal services consultant since 1999 and the website author of http://www.legal-services-for-less.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Curtis_Collins


Sunday, June 15, 2008

"Gank Nero Video" Pati Woman Gank New Member Recruitment

. Sunday, June 15, 2008

Video Gank Nero, Gank Motor Perempuan, dalam acara recruitment anggota baru. Gank ini berasal dari Pati - Jawa Tengah.

Berita dari okezone:


Gambar Zarina Zainordin si Anak Pontianak?


Hey, hey, hey ... what happen in Malaysia? I'm an Indonesian. And I really do not know who Zarina Zainordin is? Is she different person with Zarina An-Julie. According to my web investigation, I found that this artist are being talked by many Malaysian people due her hot sexy pictures which spread to the internet. Any body know whether Pontianak mentioned by Malaysian people is Pontianak (an Indonesian City). Please explain .. Anyway, here are the photos mentioned ..
gambar artis af2 malaysia zarina zainordin bogel naked

gambar zarina zainordin anak pontianak setengah bogel artis af2 malaysia
gambar picture zarina anak pontianak bogel, artis seksi malaysia

According to Malaysian blogger, these pictures were believed been captured at the dance club somewhere in Hartamas. Whether this is true or not, only god knows. If I’m not mistaken, Zarina Ann Julie was known because of her acting in Malaysian TV drama series “Anak Pontianak” followed by “Anak Pontianak the Movie”. Thanks to bloggers outside there for these pictures.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Half Nude Beautiful Sexy Girls Wallpapers Set Download

. Friday, June 13, 2008

Want to see your half nude girls wallpapers? Here are the download link:
Nude Beautiful Sexy Girls Wallpapers

Sexy Half Nude Wallpaper Download Link:

We don't own this file! We don't responsible for the use of this file.


Download WWE Divas Sexy Lingerie Fashion Show


WWE Divas Sexy Lingerie Fashion Show
WWE Divas Sexy Lingerie Fashion Show
Size : 19mb
Length : 3min 2sec


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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kaka's Baby!

. Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kaka, his babay Luca, and his pretty wife Carolina
In this photo released, Brazilian soccer player Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite, known as Kaka, seen with his wife Caroline and son Luca, in Sao Paulo, Tuesday, June 10, 2008. Caroline Celico Leite gave birth to Luca at 1:05 a.m, local time, the hospital said in a statement, adding the baby weighed 3.6 kilograms (7.9 pounds) and that "mother and child are fine."

Kaka got new baby


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Emurayden PSX Emulator Download

. Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Emurayden PSX Emulator allows you to play many popular Sony PlayStation games on your PC. You can run very fast & easy ps1 game on the Emurayden PSX.
Emulator PS1 Emurayden 2.2

Information :- Added the new utility "Emurayden Memory Card Manager". It is an utility for manage your psx memory cards files.
- Added the new version at 800x600 for a best quality on games (Only on Fast Mode).
- The Compatibility Mode version it's only available at Full Screen (not at 800x600).
- Totally restructured the Compatibility Mode version with new codes to make more games compatible with emulator.
- Fixed the errors at closing application on Windows 2000/XP.
- Fixed errors on Pentium 4...
- Fixed errors at the starting on Windows 2000/XP.
- Fixed errors on PAL games that was seen at Half Screen.
- Total change on interfase.
- Fixed the errors on showing the Credits.
- Change the sound on the "Volume Adjustment".
- Other minor changes...

Download Info:


Honda Beat, New Honda Automatic Variant


Honda just released a new Automatic variant named Honda Beat. It's a lower version of the fromer type, Vario. Check the features and detail specifications here.
Honda Beat, motor matic baru honda, modifikasi honda vario, honda beat


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How To Search Certain Files on Rapidshare

. Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rapidshare is the most wellknown online mega files hosting. Ofcourse, it's a paradise for everyone to donwload any certain files needed, such ebooks, video, film, music, MP3, movie etc. Then,... how to search the file from Google search? Don't worry, it's not too difficult. Follow this simple tips to search the files from your favourite downlaod site, youtube.
Search Certain Files on Rapidshare

searching all files type (all extensions .*) :

.* site:rapidshare.de

searching music files format (mp3/wma/ogg) :

+inurl:wmamp3ogg site:rapidshare.de

searching movie files (avi/mpg/wmv):

+inurl:avimpgwmv site:rapidshare.de

searching program file (exe) and archive file (zip/rar)

+inurl:exerarzip site:rapidshare.de

searching specific music file (shakira)

+inurl:wmamp3ogg site:rapidshare.de shakira


Gambar Maya Karin with Swimsuit


Maya Karin Roelcke (born on October 29, 1979) is a Malaysian actress, television personality, and singer. Commonly known as Maya Karin, she is more famously known for her roles in supernatural horror and thriller films.gambar maya karin setengah bogel

Maya is born to a German father, Gottfried Roelcke, and a mother of Malay, Chinese and Indian parentage, Che Zan, from Pulau Pinang[1]She was born in Bayreuth, Germany. Maya is the oldest of three siblings. Her brother is called Armin and her sister Irina. She is married to her long term British boyfriend who teaches in Garden International School, Kuala Lumpur. Growing up, Maya did some theatre work in Indonesia, and she later graduated from Limkokwing University in media and marketing.

Maya began her entertainment career as an endorsement model for brands such as Pantene (Hair Care Brand), Wella (Hair Care Brand) and Halle and Yishion (Fashion Apparel Brand). She also experimented in theatre productions, and was involved in plays for Actor’s Studio such as ‘Mahna Mahna’ and ‘In the Mind’s Eye’.


Monday, June 9, 2008

Maia (Ratu) and Her New Blog

. Monday, June 9, 2008

foto cantik maia, dulu maia ahmad, sekarang nggak tau, calon janda cantik berikutnyaMaia, the vokalis of Ratu in the past time, seems to be hired by detik. She looks so active to write in her new blog hosted at blogdetik. Want to enter maia's world? Just come in!

Here is Maia's New blog: http://maia.blogdetik.com


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Using E-gold as Gold Investment

. Saturday, June 7, 2008

E-gold may be a good way to give you an easy way to be involved in the gold investment market.

The reason we can use e-gold as the way is because the price of e-gold currency is the same as the real gold price.

So buying e-gold is 100% the same as buying real gold but they give e-gold holder an easy way to move th value of the gold your own in the internet even much easier than your real money.

You can either use e-gold to invest another investing program you can easily find from the internet or just hold the e-gold in your e-gold account as the gold investment only.

In the future ,e-gold may become the worldwide money you can spend anywhere in the internet .Just like the Europe they use their own currency in most of the country there. E-gold may have that potential to act the same role in the coming future.

At this moment ,e-gold is used in the internet investment such as the HYIP,but we beleve in the ocming future ,we will have more way to use e-gold to invest in the formal investing program such as REits funds. Even we can use e-gold to buy the stock world wide.

We collect all e-currency information in our web site http://giexc.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jackson_Hu


7 Tips on How to Get a Man to Fall in Love With You


How to Get a Man to Fall in Love With You
When you are single, a lot of the time it feels as though you're destined to stay that way. Have you thought about how nice it would be to meet a guy and to just fall in love forever? The truth is, this isn't going to happen without some thought!

Remember that falling in love is a complicated thing, and that you aren't going to get very far if you don't know what you are offering. How do you rate when it comes to magnetism and charisma? When you know what kind of vibe you're putting out there, nothing's easier than getting some admirers, but if you think that love will never come for you, think about these all-important concepts.

1) Confidence

You'll find that thinking a lot of yourself and knowing that you can take care of yourself no matter what is happening is extremely attractive. You'll find that if you are feeling short on this that you might as well forget the rest, but luckily, with resources like friends, counselors and family out there, you can get back on track.

2) Trustworthiness

Are you someone who can be trusted? Do you do what you say you will, when you say you will? Essentially, you need to make sure that what you say and how you act are well matched. Too many women get their men to fall in love with a facade that they can't keep up forever, so make sure that you don't fall into this trap.

3) Allure

When you think about your femininity, this doesn't mean that you will dissolve into the stereotype of a woman who can't do anything for herself. Allure is a woman who knows how to take care of herself, but doesn't mind letting someone who is worthy help you. You know what makes you look good, you know how you can make yourself feel good and you might be tempted to share that with the right person.

4) Speech

Don't be stingy with the compliments. Just like you love to hear them, so does he, and you'll find that the right words, stated without calculation and with a great deal of honesty, can go a long way towards making sure that he never stops thinking about you.

5) Purpose

A beautiful woman is one who knows what she wants and how she is going to get it. It doesn't mean that she is a workaholic, it just means that she understand that there is foundation to her world and that she will provide her own impetus and her own energy to get the job done.

6) Fun

Lets face it; if you don't know how to laugh, play, enjoy yourself, entertain yourself and entertain others, you aren't going to be much fun to hang around.

7) Taking Control

If you want to find love and keep it, make sure that you know how to get motivated and get started. This is essential, especially if your love life has been a bit empty lately.

Don't just stand there and hope that fate brings the perfect partner to your door! Make something of yourself and you'll find that there are plenty of people who want to talk to you!

Would you like to learn more on how to become the woman men adore? Visit my website for additional free advice and tips.

Julian Simone is a professional writer specializing in attraction, dating, and relationships. If you're tired of tips that focus on game-playing, feel free to visit his website to learn more FREE dating tips on how to attract the man of your dreams and get the relationship you always wanted at: http://www.RomanceSecrets101.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julian_Simone


Aksi Seronok Artis Seksi Krisdayanti


This is not a new gossip. This image has already available on the net for a long time. I just want to archive it on Cekli!. Hope it will be every artist performing in fornt of their fan to be carefull of their special property. Krisdayanti (born March 24, 1975 in Malang, East Java) is the first Asia Bagus Grand Champion from Indonesia. The first recording that she did was when she was just a 9-year-old girl. For that, she received Rp 15,000 for dubbing the Megaloman soundtrack. Her next album was Burung-Burung Malam. She recorded it at the age of 12. However, her album did not do well. Now, she become Indonesia most wellknown diva. Not only in Indonesia, but also in Malaysia.

foto artis indonesia krisdayanti, celana dalamnya sampai kelihatan, paha mulusnya terekspose

paha mulus artis indonesia krisdayanto montok, cawetnya kelihatan

This a captured of Krisdayanti performance in Malaysia. It benn protested by Malaysian blogger in syokkahwin.com.

Ini dia paha seksi krisdayanti itu


Galeri Foto Artis Yuni Shara


Yuni Shara is an Indonesian singer, she is the elder sister of singer Krisdayanti. She was born as Wahyu Setyaning Budi in Batu, Malang. Her first debut was in a music festival called Festival Bintang Radio & Televisi in 1987 when she was 15 years old, she won 2nd place. In 1989, she participated in the same festival and she managed to win 1st place. This is where she was offered a record deal by Billboard. She released her first record in 1990 titled Jatuh Cinta Lagi which means Falling In Love Again in English. In 1991 she released another record titled Hilang Permataku, in 1992 she released Salah Tingkah. Her career peaked with the release of the record Mengapa Tiada Maaf in 1995. The record sold 1.5 million copies and BASF awarded her with 4 Platimun Records. She also received 3 more Platinum Record for the Indonesian version of the soundtrack to the martial arts TV series Return of the Condor Heroes.

foto artis indonesia, seksi, tapi tidak telanjang

Her choice of songs are mainly popular old melancholic songs, an example is the Keroncong style. However her career stopped to a halt due to a surge in new pop groups that appealed more to young audience.

Yuni Shara Photo Galleries

foto artis indonesia, seksi, tapi tidak telanjang bulat
foto artis indonesia, seksi, tapi tidak bugil
foto artis indonesia, seksi, tapi tidak telanjang bugil
foto artis indonesia, seksi, tapi tidak telanjang


Download Jadwal Pertandingan Euro 2008 (pdf)


jadwal pertandingan euro 2008Hallo bola mania, EURO 2008 akan segera bergulir sebentar lagi. Dan kamu semua pasti sedang berburu jadual pertandingannya khan ... jangan khwatir. Berikut ini akan gua kasih beberapa link langsung untuk download jadwal event sepak bola bergengsi dunia tersebut.

Download PDF Jadwal Pertandingan EURO 2008:
1. Link 1
2. Link 2

Sedangkan untk download MP3 official theme song-nya di sini. Dan untuk melihat video gayengnya di sini.

Semoga jagoan lo yang menang !!!


Thursday, June 5, 2008

EURO 2008 THEME SONG - Like A Superstar.Mp3 - Trix and Flix

. Thursday, June 5, 2008

Dis Dynamic Twins(Trix n Flix) are the official mascots of EURO 2008…..And for the first time in soccer history two mascots hav been used as the venue is two countries, Austria and Switzerland….
Like A Superstar.Mp3 - Trix and Flix
Trix and Flix, the names of these two official mascots for UEFA EURO 2008 were chosen by more than 67,000 Austrian and Swiss football fans….. The other names in the voting were Zagi and Zigi, Flitz and Bitz…..Trix and Flix won a public vote in the two countries with 36.3 per cent of the vote.

Download The Like Superstar.MP3

Wacth the Video here!

Note: We do not host this file, we only find it from the net. You fully responsible for the use of this MP3 for your perpose!


Euro 2008 Theme Song: Like A Superstar (Trix and Flix ft Shaggy) Mp3, Clips


Euro 2008 will come soon. Still remember with the theme song? Soooo Energic n Sporty! Yups, here is the official theme song of Euro 2008: Like A Superstar (Trix and Flix ft Shaggy). Download… and Play the Video Clip from Youtube or just wacth it here!

Euro 2008 Theme Song: Like A Superstar (Trix and Flix ft Shaggy)

Shaggy - Like A Superstar (EURO 2008) Trix & Flix


Apple MacBook Air Notebook


Apple MacBook Air Notebook
Product Details:

- Amazon Sales Rank: #55 in Personal Computers
- Size: 80 GB ATA Hard Drive
- Brand: Apple
- Model: Z0ER


- 1.8 Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 4 MB shared L2 cache; Intel GMA X3100 video processor with 144 MB shared memory
- Thinnest, lightest MacBook ever includes multi-touch trackpad, built-in iSight webcam, and up to 5-hour battery life
- One USB 2.0, built-in Wi-Fi (802.11n draft plus 802.11b/g), Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR, Micro-DVI video output with adapters
- Preloaded with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard operating system and iLife '08 suite of applications
- 13.3-inch glossy LED-backlit screen; 80 GB hard disk drive; 2 GB of RAM (maximum capacity)

Short Description
Apple MacBook Air 13.3" Laptop (1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, 2 GB RAM, 80 GB Hard Drive)
From Apple Computer
Price: $2,094.00

Full Description
Apple MacBook Air 13.3" Laptop (1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, 2 GB RAM, 80 GB Hard Drive)
From Apple Computer
Price: $2,094.00


Sony VAIO VGN-CR320E/P - Pink


laptop Sony VAIO VGN-CR320E
Step out and be seen with the portable, powerful and incredibly beautiful VAIO(R) CR notebook. Featuring a stunning 14.1" widescreen LCD with XBRITE-ECO LCD technology, this thin-and-light fashion statement is an astonishing sight to behold. Backed by the Windows Vista Home Premium operating system and Intel Core 2 Duo processor, this lightning-fast, super-powerful mobile notebook is slim, lightweight, and packed with entertainment and design extras. From a built-in web cam and AV controls to its unique paint colors and comfortable, easy-to-clean keyboard, the remarkable VAIO(R) CR notebook delivers entertainment, power and pizzazz. 14.1 WXGA (1280 x 800) XBRITE-ECO Display Mobile Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 with up to 358MB Video Memory Built-in Webcamera and microphone DVD+-R/RW Drive with Double Layer Intel PRO/Wireless 4965 802.11A/B/G/N 10/100 Ethernet Bluetooth Card Reader - Memory Stick(R) Duo with MG, Secure Digital (SD) 1 ExpressCard Slot (34 Slot) 3 USB 2.0, 1 Headphone out; 1 Microphone-in, 1 VGA, 1 TV-Out (S-Video), 1 IEEE 1394, 1 RJ-11, 1 RJ-45 Approximate Unit Dimensions - 13.2 (W) x 9.8 (D) x 1.67 (H) Approximate Unit Weight - 5.49lbs

Product Details:

_ Amazon Sales Rank: #62 in Personal Computers
_ Color: Pink
_ Brand: Sony
_ Model: VGN-CR320E/P
_ Dimensions: 1.67" h x 13.20" w x 9.80" l, 9.00 pounds
_ CPU: Intel Core Duo 2 GHz
_ Memory: 2000MB DDR2 SDRAM
_ Hard Disk: 250GB
_ Processors: 2
_ Display size: 14.1


_ Stylishly designed notebook in cosmopolitan pink with 14.1-inch screen and multimedia playback control buttons
_ 2.0 Intel Core 2 Duo T7250 processor, 250 GB hard drive, 2 GB RAM (4 GB max), 8x multi-format/dual-layer DVD drive
_ Quad-mode Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n); Bluetooth; 10/100 Ethernet; Intel GMA X3100 graphics with up to 358 MB of shared memory
_ Connectivity: 3 USB, 1 FireWire, ExpressCard 34 slot, Memory Stick & SD readers, VGA & S-Video output
_ Pre-installed with Windows Vista Home Premium (with Media Center capabilities)


Toshiba Satellite U305-S2816


The Toshiba Satellite U305 laptop places high value performance on the design you want to buy. Featuring a dazzling 13.3-inch diagonal widescreen WXGA display with stunning TruBrite technology, get more from your views in a laptop this compact. It doesn't get much more portable than this, at just 4.6 pounds the Satellite U305 is ergonomically and sleekly redesigned, the chassis features an integrated hinge design for flexible screen adjustment and smooth, clean lines. This laptop delivers a host of features including wireless connectivity, a DVD SuperMulti drive, and Webcam for entertainment to go. With the latest Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 processor with 3MB L3 Cache enjoy superior speeds in every application you choose to run. 13.3 diagonal WXGA 1280 x 800 TruBrite TFT LCD Display Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 with up to 251MB shared video memory Built-in Webcam and microphone SuperMulti 8X DVD+-R/RW Drive with Double Layer Support Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965 802.11AGN Wireless 10/100 Ethernet Bluetooth v2.0 (EDR) Fingerprint reader 5-in-1 Bridge Media Adapter - MMC, SD, MS, MS Pro, xD 1 ExpressCard Slot (34/54 Slot) 3 USB 2.0, 1 Headphone out; 1 Microphone-in, 1 VGA, 1 IEEE-1394, 1 RJ-11, 1 RJ-45 Approximate Unit Dimensions - 12.2 (W) x 8.94 (D) x 1.33 (H) Approximate Unit Weight - 4.54lbs

laptop Toshiba Satellite U305-S2816


_ Ultra-portable 4-pound notebook PC with 13.3-inch LCD and integrated Webcam--weighs just 4.6 pounds
_ 2.10 GHz "Penryn" Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 processor, 250 GB hard drive, 2 GB RAM (4 GB max), dual-layer DVD burning
_ Quad-mode Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n); Bluetooth; 10/100 Ethernet; Intel GMA x3100 graphics (up to 251 MB of available memory)
_ Connectivity: 3 USB, 1 FireWire, 1 VGA, 1 S-Video, 1 ExpressCard 34/54, 5-in-1 memory card reader
_ Pre-installed with Windows Vista Home Premium (with Media Center capabilities)

Product Details:

_ Amazon Sales Rank: #93 in Personal Computers
_ Color: Onyx Blue
_ Brand: Toshiba
_ Model: U305-S2816
_ Dimensions: 1.34" h x 8.94" w x 12.22" l, 7.80 pounds
_ CPU: Intel Core Duo 2.1 GHz
_ Memory: 2000MB DDR2 SDRAM
_ Hard Disk: 250GB
_ Processors: 2
_ Display size: 13.3


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

AdSense - How To Get More Per Click With AdSense

. Tuesday, June 3, 2008

google adsense image
Many people get frustrated with low click bids on their AdSense ads. While it may seem like there is no money in AdSense, there are ways to get more per click with AdSense. Many things effect your payment per click, some things are how competitive your keywords are, how many ads you have, and relevancy. When you put all these things together, you can get more per click with AdSense in no time!

The more competitive a keyword is, the more you will get per click. For example, if your keyword is "sparks plugs for a 1978 Chevy truck", then you would have very little competition and only get a few cents per click. On the other hand, if you keyword was "make money online", there would be tons of competition and you get a lot per click. I have heard of people making two dollars per click! The problem with highly competitive keywords is that it is hard to get a lot of traffic. There will be many AdSense enthusiast going for the same keywords. To really get more per click with AdSense, you have to be good at driving traffic.

The number of ads you have on a web page can effect your payment per click as well. The more ads you have, the less quality of clicks you get. So if you have 20 ads on your web page and get about 10 cents per click, then if you had 2 ads, you would get more per click. You may get less clicks with less ads but you have to find the balance between quality and quantity. When you find that balance, you will get more per click with AdSense.

Relevance will have a big impact on getting more per click with AdSense. The more relevant your ads are, the higher quality of clicks you will get. If you are making a web page about dog training, then stay on the topic of dog training. If you trail off, you might get irrelevant ads. These ads will not be relevant to your web page and will have a low quality score. Making sure your ads stay relevant is an important step to get more per click with AdSense.

To get more per click with AdSense requires work and patients. It takes a little experimentation. Make sure you do not get stuck in a rut doing the same thing over and over. Try new things and you will get more per click with AdSense in no time!

It does take time to get more per click with AdSense but you can take a lot of that time off with the right guidance. Visit "Make More With AdSense" for great tips and tricks to get more per click with AdSense today! Thank you for reading and good luck!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Pergrem


Monday, June 2, 2008


. Monday, June 2, 2008

Asmirandah, born on October 5 1989, is a beautiful young Indonesia woman actrees. She has a combination of western and local face brought of her parents. Her debuts in TV series are “Inikah Rasanya Cinta” and “Cinta SMU 2” and follow with Kawin Gantung, Arti Cinta, Maha Kasih, Maha Kasih 2, Kau Masih Kekasihku, Wulan, Surga-Mu, Baby Doll, and Melody.
foto artis seksi indonesia, asmirandah

foto asmirandah, jangan coba-coba cari yang bugil ya
foto telanjang aja yang lo cari!


Nokia N95 Specs and Review


Nokia N95 PhoneNokia N95 phone is a light phone which is easier to carry. It is a smaller phone compared to Nokia 80 and Nokia 93. Its keypad ia much better than Nokia 73’s and Nokia 80’s keypads. Each row of keys is on its own ridge and there is a good tactile feedback. There are speakers on either side of the cell phone. The speakers produce amazing good stereo sound giving the best speaker-only output that I have ever heard on a cell phone. Get Complete Reviews Here!

Specifications :
2G Network GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
3G Network HSDPA 2100
HSDPA 850 / 1900 - US version

Dimensions 99 x 53 x 21 mm, 90 cc
Weight 120 g
Display Type TFT, 16M colors
Size 240 x 320 pixels, 40 x 53 mm
Ringtones Type Polyphonic (64 channels), Monophonic, True Tones, MP3
Customization Download
Vibration Yes
Memory Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and fields, Photocall
Call records Detailed, max 30 days
Card slot microSD (TransFlash), up to 8GB, hot swap, 128 MB card included, buy memory
- 160 MB internal memory
- 64 MB SDRAM memory
- ARM 11 332 MHz processor
Data GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps
EDGE Class 32, 296 kbps; DTM Class 11, 177 kbps
WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, UPnP technology
Bluetooth Yes, v2.0 with A2DP
Infrared port Yes
USB Yes, v2.0 miniUSB

Features OS Symbian OS 9.2, S60 rel. 3.1
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging
Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML

Games Downloadable, order now

Colors Silver, Plum, Black, Pink, Red

Camera 5 MP, 2592 x 1944 pixels, Carl Zeiss optics, autofocus, video(VGA 30fps), flash; secondary CIF videocall camera
- Built-in GPS receiver
- A-GPS function
- Installed Maps application covering over 100 countries
- Dual slide design
- Java MIDP 2.0
- MP3/AAC/AAC+/eAAC+/WMA player
- 3.5 mm audio output jack
- TV out
- Stereo FM Radio
- Organiser
- Office document viewer
- T9
- Push to talk
- Voice dial/memo
- Built-in handsfree
Battery Standard battery, Li-Ion 950 mAh (BL-5F)
Stand-by Up to 220 h
Talk time Up to 6 h 30 min


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