Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Power Of Wordpress.Com!

Blogger blogging service provide a wider oppotunity for us to develop our blogs to become really-really what we want. It's depend on us, whether we want to implement Google Adsense, TLS, or any other kind of blog features provided by thirth partit services. That's the Power of Blogspot. Those features couldn't you get if you blog on wordpress.com!

But Do you know Wordpress.com have a different power that Blogger doesn't?

Well,... in wordpress.com, there is a universal dashboard and administrator dashboard. On both, there always list of 'top blogs today' and 'top post today', including the blog owner's avatar. This small pic will catch blogger's eyes so that they will click the links. And,.. do you ever imagine how many visitor open the dashboard (both universal dashboard and admin dashboard??? Billion visitor in a day! It means that you will get tons of traffic to your blog if you can post a hot topics which catch all people attention.

How to Create a Hot Post?

It's not hard actually, just keep tune in to your favorite news site. Learn and predict what topic will be hot tomorrow! Create an original post to your blog abot the topic. If you succeed, you will get tons of visitor in the next days!

OK,.. Happy Blogging!

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